I am Dan Bauer, Director of the St Charles. Missouri HOG Chapter #2527. Bought my first Harley in 1999. I loved riding around getting lost on the weekends. Joined the local H.O.G Chapter in 2008, and met many nice people all who loved to ride. In 2014, I was asked to become the Safety Officer for the chapter and stayed in that role for two years. In 2016, I was asked to take on the role as Assistant Director and in 2017 was promoted to the Director position where I have been for the past six years.
I love taking large groups on multi-day group rides, this is where you can really connect with the members. I have taken over forty bikes to the Tail of the Dragon, over sixty bikes to Sturgis and over forty bikes to Colorado. My wife Kim and I love to ride and see all there is to see not only in our state but in all the states. The highlight of our Colorado trip this year was being able to take our group up into Rocky Mountain National Park, as a group we went to the top of Mount Evans and Pike’s Peak. We were also able to ride our motorcycles across the Royal Gorge Bridge and ride the ridge of Skyline Drive.
Our chapter has been recognized by H.O.G as riding the most miles in our region for the last two years (over a million miles) and has been recognized as placing second in the nation as well. Next year our Chapter has been awarded one of the six Regional H.O.G. Rallies.Our chapter is excited and are planning some great rides and off bike events. The rally will be held June 22, 2023–June 24, 2023.
Our Chapter’s motto is “Be the Difference That Makes a Difference”