Welcome to the Long Distance Riders Certification site!
Then welcome to the Long Distance Riders. We are Bad to the Bone.

LDR is currently certifying four distinct motorcycle ride achievements:
MEMBER RIDERS NEW OPTION: Get your certificate electronically!
At this time, shipping both inside and outside the United States has become very difficult. We are suggesting a more cost-effective alternative.Long Distance Riders will be happy to certify your ride by sending your certificate electronically. This special $20 package includes:
- Certificate of Achievement (suitable for framing).
- Your name and achievement listed on our Long Distance Rider’s Web Page.
Note: Long Distance Riders is still accepting orders for the full package if that is what you prefer. However, please note that we cannot guarantee a timely delivery.
After your ride is completed, please send your documentation to jackp210@aol.com, and let us know if you’d like the $20 special package.
This is an unfortunate circumstance for businesses in the U.S. and abroad. We hope to ease the burden on our members by offering an easier, more cost-effective solution.
For each ride completed and documented for “miles”, you will receive:
Certificate Of AccomplishmentLong Distance Riders Designation Patch
Long Distance Riders Decal
For our riders in kilometer countries, each ride completed in “kilometers” will receive:
Certificate of AccomplishmentLong Distance Riders Designation Patch
Long Distance Riders Decal
Take a moment to read over the Rules page along with the documentation necessary to become certified. Once your ride and documentation is completed, send in your data for your official Long Distance Riders patch, certificate, decal, and license frame. We hope you enjoy your ride and the feeling of accomplishment that follows.
Send your completed forms and receipts to jackp210@aol.com, or you can mail them to:
Jack Powis, President
Long Distance Riders
6601 Donerail Trail
Tallahassee, FL 32309
We'd appreciate your input regarding our site, our logos and patches, and other rides and experiences you'd like to send. We look forward to hearing from you. Remember, most importantly, safety is our number one concern.