Per Erik Bjurstrøm

My name is Per Erik Bjurstrøm. I’m a 56-year-old male from Norway, and my greatest hobby is riding motorcycles. I’ve been riding for 40 years now and is also a member of The Iron Butt Association.

Long distance and challenging trips are what I enjoy most when going for a drive, and I use every opportunity I get to go visit every corner of Europe. Both my wife and two daughters also ride, and they occasionally join me on some of my adventures. So, we are what you can call a true motorcycle family!

My wife Anita , daughters May-Alice and Aina Marie

Some of my accomplished trips are:
IBA 1600K
IBA 2000K
IBA Alpenbutt, 6 days Alpenrally 2017
IBA Europe rally, 72 hours rally 2018
Magic 12 rally Belgium 2019
W.A.W, World Adventure Week 2021
W.A.W, World Adventure Week 2022

I’m hoping to accomplish future LDR and IBA challenges that I’ve not been able to do yet soon, but with the short seasons in Norway we must use what time we get to ride well. I wish every motorcycle enthusiast a bright and shining future, ride safe everyone!

Med vennlig hilsen
Per Erik Bjurstrøm

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