My name is Håkon Lyberg. I am 58 years old and from Norway. I have been riding a motorcycle since 2009. I am currently driving a BMW r1200gsa which I am very happy with.
I also have a girlfriend who also rides a motorcycle, but she is not so happy when the trips get too long in one day!
We drive often to the Alps (Austria, Switzerland, Italy,) during the summer holidays. In 2019 we had a trip of about 6000 km, over 15 countries. Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden
I have driven the Easy Rider designation, 805 KM in 12 hours; the Full Throttle 1610 KM in 24 hours; and now last Saturday the King of the Road 2415 KM in 36 hour trip. All have been certified by Long Distance Riders.
It is a challenge to drive in Norway now due to corona, we can not cross the border, If we do, then we have to be quarantined when we return. Norway is long and narrow, so then there will be a short return trip on the same roads. But I try to vary the roads a bit. Am sending photos so you can get a glimpse of the beautiful nature we have here in Norway. It does not get dark at night up here in the summer, look at the clock in the pictures, the sun does not set!
Looking forward to my next adventure.
Drive carefully and think safety.