805 Kilometre Challenge in Jordan, November 2020

My name is Tarek Abu Safieh, I am 42 years old, I got my motorcycle license almost 2 years ago. The first time I drove on the streets was a very terrifying experience, watching cars passing by from different sides, I couldn’t go more than 80km per hour and I was telling myself why did I take this risk of riding a motorcycle!

Then I decided to continue with this passion and improve my riding skills. During these two years, I started taking different driving classes with different techniques, like cornering skills, safety riding skills and other driving courses which gave me more confidence and allowed me to take control over my motorcycle.

I drove around Jordan and participated in a few rallies, driving for short and long distances up to 500km a day.

When I first heard about this “BIKER BUDDIES 2020 Jordan-II” challenge, driving 805 km in 12 hours, I was very excited but at the same time I was hesitant to participate as it was the first time for me to drive this long with bad weather conditions. Then I decided to take this chance especially after knowing that the ‘team’ organizing this ride was being led by Captain Samer Hassouneh and Vivek Mehta (the ride mentor), who has organized several rides for Middle East bikers. It would be a great opportunity for me to learn from them during this ride, also it was an opportunity to explore new roads and areas around Jordan.

The experience was great, different weather conditions, rainy and sunny, different temperature ranges between 7C and 25C, different ground features, deserts, mountains and small and highway roads. We drove 875km in 13 hours. When we reached the final stop , I was disappointed it ended.

This experience took me to a whole new level in my riding skills and I am looking forward to my next challenge to do 1610 Kilometers in 24 hours.


Yahya Abu Safieh

Good luck with the coming challenge ❤️

Tareq Duwiek

Good luck ❤

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