First Female Arab Biker, Gabrielle Bou Rached, to Achieve King of the Road

“I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to go for the King of the Road, and one weekend, we had all the perfect conditions that we needed. The weather was amazing, our routes planned and printed, and our bikes ready to take the challenge. My good friend and biking mentor Jorge Muller had decided to help me become the first female Arab biker to achieve the KOR, and I was beyond excited.

On a challenging yet enjoyable journey that lasted a bit less than 33 hours, we have been through all sorts or roads, paved, unpaved, straight and curvy, well-lit and totally dark. We had a few setbacks with roads that were still flooded and damaged by the previous storm. And for the last 100 miles of the journey, we were joined by another good friend, Rony Kalaany, who had just done the KOR the previous week, leading us on a gorgeous desert single-lane road surrounded by orange dunes, into a perfect ending of a perfect ride.

As our odometers hit the 1500 miles mark, we had a short stop, right before sunset, to celebrate the moment. As I took the last photos and filled the last bits of information on my forms, I was so proud of myself and of my beloved Sportster who didn’t let me down :-)”

Gabrielle Bou Rached

Gabbi alone    Gabbi and friend